Realm of the Wise One
In the Spirit Worlds and the dimensions that exist, reside numerous kingdoms that house a plethora of Spirits that inhabit various forms. One of these tribes is called the Wise Ones, a darker breed in the spirit realm who often chooses to incarnate into a human body one lifetime after another for important purposes.
The Realm of the Wise One takes you on a magical journey to the spirit world where the Wise Ones dwell. This is followed with in-depth and detailed information on how to recognize a human soul who has incarnated from the Wise One Realm.
Author Kevin Hunter, is a Wise One who uses the knowledge passed onto him by his Spirit team of Guides and Angels to relay the wisdom surrounding all things Wise One. He discusses the traits, purposes, gifts, roles, and personalities among other things that make up someone who is a Wise One.
Wise Ones have come in the guises of teachers, shaman, leaders, hunters, mediums, entertainers, and others. Realm of the Wise One is a fun informational guide devoted to the tribe of the Wise Ones, both in human form and on the Other Side.
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Realm of the Wise One
Copyright. © Kevin Hunter. All rights reserved.